ITIE2010: Inspiration from Best Practices

Announcing Our 4th International Conference on Information Technology in Education

June 21, 22, and 23, 2010

LanZhou University Convention Centre,
LanZhou, GanSu Province, China

Hosted by:
Evergreen Education Foundation
Gansu Provincial Library
Lanzhou University Library

Our conferences are aimed at library professionals, information science experts and educators, bringing together researchers and practitioners from both within China and abroad.

As Evergreen's focus is with rural communities of China, our conference will emphasize the promotion of exchanges of ideas, methodologies, and the sharing of practical experiences of promoting information literacy in underdeveloped areas. Bringing in experience and methodologies from China, other Asian countries, and the West, leveraging contributing forces including public libraries, academic libraries, high/middle/elementary school libraries, and NGOs, it aims at seeking effective ways of library serving underdeveloped areas in the information era.



Looking Back on the Conference