Announcing Our 6th International Conference on Information Technology in Education
Dates:October 27th and 28th, 2014
Venue: Hunan Library, Changsha, Hunan
Hosted by: Hunan Library, Library Association of Hunan Province, Evergreen Education Foundation, CERLS
Our conferences are aimed at educators, library professionals, and information science experts, bringing together researchers and practitioners from both within China and abroad.
This conference will emphasize exchanging ideas, methodologies, and practical experiences of libraries engaged in projects dealing with Local Culture and Oral History. ITIE2014 invites you to co-create the conference along with international speakers and moderators, the ITIE team, and all the participants including library professionals, educators, and NGO members. We have interactive sessions, creative workshops, networking opportunities, exciting study tours. Please reserve the dates, October 27 and 28, 2014 and join us!