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Course Catalog 


This orientation page provides information that will helpful in using the text-only version of the tutorials.

Each module contains a single page with the contents of the entire module.

Page Navigation - Across the top and bottom of each page, you'll find links to each module as well as links to other resources.

Module Orientation - The enhanced modules are divided into 13 to 18 individual pages. The text-only version presents the entire module on one web page; however the text indicates where page breaks would be found in the enhanced version.

Content Area - In addition to the text of the page, the content area also describes graphic and interactive elements.

Museum and Library Pages - Within the modules, you'll find museum and library examples. You may wish to skim both examples or select one to explore in-depth.

The Coach Pages - Within the modules, you'll find Coach pages. These are used when the user is seeking help or guidance. Information is available to support student learning such as background information, definitions, motivation, reality checks, suggested approaches, and other types of guidance. You may read or skip these.

The Dig Deeper Pages - Within the modules, you'll find Coach pages. These are used to increase the depth of understanding through additional examples, expanded descriptions, and advanced content. You may read or skip these.

Brackets are used within the text to identify the following contents:

  • Brackets mark the beginning and end of each page.
  • Brackets contain a description of graphic elements.
  • Brackets contain an explanation of interactive elements such as mouse-over graphics.

创建自: JacmanChin403 points . 最后修改: 星期一 25 of 4月, 2011 18:31:34 MDT 作者 JacmanChin403 points .