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Module D > Data intervals  

Data intervals

“Data Intervals” is a term describing when and how often you will collect data. You may prefer to just think of this as “timing” or “time plans.”

Specific intervals: When designing data collection intervals, think about what is reasonable given staff and budget inputs, in order to measure your outcomes.

Outcome information can be collected at specific intervals to show changes over time (for example, quarterly, every 6 months, once a semester) or at the start of program and end of program.

Increases: When increases in skill, behavior or knowledge are the outcome, collect data at program start and end to give the longest time for the change to occur as a result of your program.  Data collected about outcomes early in the program is often called “baseline data.”


Know what you want to do and when you’ll do it. Easy to plan but hard to fix after you’ve missed the chance. You don’t want to discover late in the program that you needed information from an earlier time period. 


Library example: Data interval

The Riverton Memoirs program had several outcomes. Think what you consider to be appropriate timing for each indicator listed.

Outcome 1: Participants show improvement in their writing.

Indicator # and % of participants who revise five pieces, commenting on what they tried to improve in each revision.

Applied To : All workshop participants

Data Source Writers’ portfolios of participants work

Data Interval : 8 months into the program (so that participants should have several sets to choose from and time for mid-course corrections to be introduced)

Indicator : # and % of participants whose revised pieces (two before-and-after versions) are judged better than the originals in a blind (no writer or dates given) holistic grading by a creative writing specialist.

Applied To : All workshop participants

Data Source : Expert evaluation of participants’ work

Data Interval : 8 months into the program (so that participants should have several sets to choose from and time for mid-course corrections to be introduced)

Indicator : “# and % of participants whose revised pieces are judged better than the originals (for two sets) by a creative writing specialist when judged by the writer’s goals in the revision.

Applied To : All workshop participants

Data Source : Expert evaluation of participants’ work

Data Interval : 8 months into the program (so that participants should have several sets to choose from and time for mid-course corrections to be introduced)

Outcome 2: Participants demonstrate they feel themselves to be part of a community of writers.

Indicator : # and % of participants who can name three ways they feel a part of the community of writers.

Applied To : Program participants

Data Source : Exit survey

Data Interval : End of program

Indicator : # and % of participants who act as part of a community of writers after the program (produce writing, continue library writers’ group, etc.)

Applied To :Program participants.

Data Source : Phone interview with checklist of behaviors

Data Interval : Three months after the end of the program




创建自: JacmanChin403 points . 最后修改: 星期四 12 of 5月, 2011 09:14:34 MDT 作者 admin.