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Module C > Check understanding  

Check your understanding

In the Build module we have made the parts of the program purpose statement more concrete.

  • What we do: What inputs are needed to produce activities and services?
  • For whom: Who are the program participants, drawn from the target audience?
  • For what benefit or result: What are our desired short-term, medium-term and long-term outcomes?

First, review case study materials for the Whitney Library. These materials are in the PDF file format. (Try leaving the screen up for reference throughout the section.) 

Check your understanding: Whitney Library "Information Commons"

Review the materials available for the Whitney Library Information Commons project.

For each of the following statements, identify whether it describes activities, services, inputs or outcomes. Click on the button with the correct answer. If you choose the incorrect answer, you'll be provided with feedback about your answer below.

Students create well-researched group projects.

The infopods are used many hours of the day.

Librarians train to give advice on computer problems.

A reservation system allows group study space to be reserved.

Librarians observe how the infopods are used.

Library staff hires space designers.





创建自: JacmanChin403 points . 最后修改: 星期日 22 of 5月, 2011 00:41:55 MDT 作者 JacmanChin403 points .