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Module C > Introduction  



You should now know how to Plan a project, answering the questions: do what, for whom, for what benefit, as covered in Module B: Plan.

In this module, you will learn to build a plan of action for reaching the outcomes called for in your purpose statement by answering the following:

  • What services in a library organization need to be delivered to external audiences to achieve the outcomes?  Or what learning objectives need to be developed in a school classroom to achieve outcomes?
  • What activities need to be carried out by the partner organizations to meet the outcomes?
  • What inputs are needed to do this?
  • What counts of products/outputs/deliverables should you keep track of in the design and delivery of the program?




This module provides you with the information and background for completing Section IV: Project Elements of the logical planning model worksheet.



创建自: JacmanChin403 points . 最后修改: 星期日 01 of 5月, 2011 20:00:55 MDT 作者 admin.