Course Catalog | Chapter Directory
Module C > Outcomes
An outcome is a change in a target audience’s skills, attitudes, knowledge, behaviors, status, or life condition brought about by experiencing a program.
"Skills" : Student Bird Watchers can identify local birds by sight and name.
"Attitudes" : Student Bird Watchers no longer think science is boring.
"Knowledge" : Student Bird Watchers know what local birds eat and what predators they face.
"Behavior" : Children read for pleasure over three hours per week.
"Status" : At-risk students using educational materials on library computers earn a General Education Diploma and improve salary and job prospects.
"Life Conditions" : West Dakota residents stop smoking after using improved access to reliable, understandable medical information.
Outcomes develop over time. Note that
Most projects only have the resources and time frame to measure short-term and medium-term outcomes.
The purpose statement in Module B (Do what? For whom? For what outcomes/benefits?) may lend itself to stating big, long-term goals that are hard to measure. The strongest logical planning models focus on achievable, measurable short-term outcomes. If you have long-term goals, be clear about how the particular program leads to those outcomes.
Let’s look at a simple example:
Teaching Student Bird Watchers about local birds involves library books, museum visits, and field trips with the long-term goal of interesting them in their local environment.
Which of the following outcomes are short-, medium- or long-term outcomes?
Student Bird Watchers recognize local birds from museum models and book illustrations.
Student Bird Watcher majors in Biology in college.
Student Bird Watchers no longer consider bird-watching activities 'dumb.
Student Bird Watchers can identify local birds on a field trip.
A Student Bird Watcher volunteers with other family members at a local bird sanctuary.
创建自: JacmanChin .
最后修改: 星期日 22 of 5月, 2011 00:37:07 MDT 作者 JacmanChin .