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Module A > What is OBPE?  

What is Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation?

Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation is a systematic way to plan user-centered programs and to measure whether they have achieved their goals.  Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation goes beyond documenting what you did and measures what difference you made in the life of your audience—how has your audience changed?

Outcome  -“not how many worms the bird feeds its young, but how well the fledging flies.”
--  United Way of America, 2002



First a few terms.

What is an outcome? --> Desired change in an end user

What are some kinds of outcomes? --> Arrow pointing from rectangle to the words: Behavior, Attitude, Skills, Knowledge, Conditions, Status


What does Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation look like?

Using Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation, you develop a logical planning model (a planning and evaluation tool) that helps

  • Identify specific individuals or groups  with a need you can define concretely and which falls within your institutional mission
  • Decide on clear program outcomes (benefits) to meet that need
  • Develop program activities to provide services for your audience to bring about the desired results
  • Establish ways to measure whether those results/outcomes have been achieved

Needs, Institutional misson --> Program --> Outcome



创建自: JacmanChin403 points . 最后修改: 星期一 25 of 4月, 2011 17:44:23 MDT 作者 JacmanChin403 points .