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Module A > Why OBPE?   


Why Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation? 

Why library professionals use Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation in their work

Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation has benefits not only for the public but inside the institution as well.

What are professionals saying about Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation?

"public programs director" : “Believe it or not, Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation has helped with some of the politics of program cuts. When ‘pet programs’ are challenged, we can look objectively at what is actually making a difference.”- Public programs director

"librarian in charge of evaluation" : “We’ve been collecting tons of data on our programs for years, but none of it really told us if we were making a difference in our patrons’ lives. Outcomes evaluation gives us a way to know that.”- Librarian in charge of evaluation

"exhibit team member" : “Even if we never implemented the plan, developing a logic model has helped our staff articulate the purpose of our programs more clearly- it has even generated healthy discussion of some key issues!”-Exhibit team member

"library director" : “Funding streams are drying up and yet our community needs keep growing – we have to know what’s working and what isn’t so we can invest in success.”- Library director

"grant writer" :  “This way of documenting our impact in the community has been a powerful tool in writing grants- we don’t just say we’ re making a difference- we show them the data!”-Grant writer

"school services coordinator" : “Sure, I was reluctant at first- more paperwork I don’t need- but it has been a useful planning tool and really pays off when it comes time to write reports.”- School services coordinator

Dig Deeper

United Way of America has been promoting program outcome measurement for more than a decade. A survey of agency experiences with outcome measurement shows the following.

Agency executives agree or strongly agree – outcome measurement helps their 

  • Focus staff on shared goals (88%)
  • Communicate results to stakeholders (88%)
  • Clarify program purpose (86%)
  • Identify effective practices (84%)
  • Compete for resources (83%)                                                                                     
  • Enhance record keeping (80%)
  • Improve service delivery (76%)

Source: Agency Experiences with Outcome Measurement: Survey Findings. United Way of America, 2000. Used by permission.




创建自: JacmanChin403 points . 最后修改: 星期一 25 of 4月, 2011 17:45:55 MDT 作者 JacmanChin403 points .